Life's a Gamble Blog

Life's a Gamble Blog
LIfe in the small town of Port Gamble, Washington. Events, businesses, and quirky small town humor through the eyes of photographer and blogger Jerry Cornell

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Jerry's "Life's a Gamble"

Well, here we go again. Life's a Gamble Blog started four years ago to fill the need of  letting the world know about this incredibly fun town in western Washington, close to where the water of Hood Canal meets the water of Puget Sound.

It's a small town, but an active one, with at times thousands of people coming to see The Civil War Reenactments, or relive the olden days of a Mill Town, or show off dogs, or search for ghosts, or just come and eat or shop at any of the many stores.

Aren't there other blogs telling these stories? Yes, but we don't just tell you what's happening, we are going to find the best time of day to come, how warm to dress, what's on sale, which building has the most ghosts, etc.

So if you like dahlias and want to know when they are on display, or wonder why the best kid's playground was taken out, or you have any of a thousand questions, check us out. We have answers!!